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Welcome to the (none) Documentation
(none) Version: (none)

The (none) is a set of bash scripts to leverage both ESP EPM ( and MREPO ( in maintaining Red Hat based systems that require custom and secluded binaries. If you need "Ape" to be an acronym, then go for "Application Packaging Environment" as christened by Mark Stokan. The original notion for the name was that this system was "aping" the performance of several tasks.


These are the default directories created by installing Ape Base Compile System. You will undoubtably make some of your own as well.


These tutorials will take you in order from simple to complex.


The most commonly useful of thes variables are already in the template "" for use in creating your own scripts. There are several here that are not normally included in that template which may be useful to you for more complicated tasks. Processing a compile task begins as these variables are initialized where possible in "./include/" and the settings in your coopy of "" overwrites the values where needed. Finally, "./include/" performs any needed validation before starting the requested task.

Documentation for the (none) v(none) at http://~^(?<project>.+)\$:80/apeDocs/ (
Last Modified: (none) - Now: Tuesday, 11-Mar-2025 07:13:44 UTC
Ape logo originally from image in "Round-about Rambles in Lands of Fact and Fancy" by Frank Richard Stockton via Project Gutenberg (direct link)